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  • The intrinsic value of ensuring data privacy

The intrinsic value of ensuring data privacy

19 febrero 2018

Robert Van Vianen, Cyber security & Privacy Advisor, BDO Netherlands

Karen Schuler, Data and Information Governance Leader, BDO USA


Many are unclear as to how investing time and money in additional data privacy and GDPR compliance will benefit their organisation. However, GDPR should be seen as the starting point of a process in which you create a stronger foundation for your organisation’s strategy. A solid information governance programme can bring real benefit in both new opportunities for revenue, as well as in cost reduction for data storage and reduced inefficiencies.

BDO helps companies understand their GDPR and data security risks and we deliver a range of information governance, data privacy and cybersecurity services. Our practice is comprised of professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds, including experienced IT, operations, and data privacy consultants, as well as forensic technology, business advisory and accounting practitioners. We are structured to provide comprehensive, customised services for each client, focusing on your specific operating model, technical demands, regulatory environment and industry dynamics. Whether it’s financial services, healthcare, retail, natural resources or any other industry – we understand your needs


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