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BDO Brazil’s CEO receives international audit award

09 octubre 2019

Raul Corrêa da Silva, CEO of BDO Brazil received Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) in recognition of his career dedicated to the development of the accounting profession

Raul has been working in the sector since 1976 and since 2001 has been the head of RCS Auditores Independentes, BDO's only representation in Brazil. He has also presided the Brazilian Institute of Independent Auditors (IBRACON) in the region of São Paulo.

“My connection with the accounting profession started early, when I decided to follow my father's steps and to start studying accounting at the age of 14. At 17, I became a member of the trade union and at 26 I started my own company. Since then, I'm proud of having contributed to the training and development of thousands of young people, opening possibilities of a prosperous path for them and their families”, Raul remarks on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award.